Wednesday, November 30, 2011

10 Things About Me...

Hi, this is my first blog, not sure what to write about; I have been thinking about it for hours. All I could come up with is a list of 10 things about me that make me ME:

1. I believe 100% that there's God; I am a Christian! I am a sinner! PRAY!
2. Nick is my Husband, we've been together since Halloween '04. Great guy and wonderful Father! We have our ups and downs, but that's marriage for you! Divorce is not an option for us, even though that does sound tempting, sometimes, in a heated moment! ;)
3. Hadley, my Daughter, is the most amazing gift I have ever been given. She consumes my thoughts and fills my heart with pure joy. She was definitely worth the wait of 29 yrs. God gives you this precious gift when he thinks you'll be ready; His timing is always right on! :)
4. I have a TV obsession; TV has always comforted me, ever since I was a kid. Nothing traumatic happened to me as a child for me to be so dependent on an inanimate object, but, I heart it. I have an average of 20-25 shows I watch each week, depending on the season. And reality TV just fascinates me!
5.  I love to SHOP, mostly online shop!!! I have way too many clothes and ones with tags still on them, as well. There is a time and a place to wear certain outfits/pieces and sometimes you will have to wait a day, week, month, year, or even years to wear that certain piece. Trust!
6.  Ranch dressing makes me happy; I eat ranch with most everything:
-Spaghetti/Italian food
-Chinese food
There hasn't been a meal since I was a kid that didn't have a bottle of ranch at the dinner table. And, yes, i'm the only one at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner that has a bottle ranch dressing next to them.
7. I get a little crazy if I drink too much alcohol; i'm sure if I saw a video of myself inebriated, I would never want to drink again. BUT, with that said, I have a blast and I love to dance!!!!
8. I believe whole heartedly that you should be honest with people; who wants to be lied to?! How can you grow from not being told the truth?! Be REAL 100% of the time, at least that's how I strive to be...
9. I do NOT like to be late; I think it's so inconsiderate and disrespectful; it drives me insane! I get the worst anxiety, if I think we'll be late, but, usually we never are.
10. I secretly not secretly want to be famous! I have been asked what I would be famous for and the only answer I have is, "um, just for being ME?!" When I was younger I wanted to either be on SNL, Days of Our Lives or be a voice-over. I would love to be on a reality show slash scares me at the same time!

Stay tuned for better blogs...


  1. This is the most amazing blog I have ever read in my entire life. The background is so beautiful, like smooth, velvet curtains. I'm in awe. HEHEHE! ;)

  2. I love you sissyface and especially love you ... for you as you lay it out there real and all. You're amazing!! Next blog about the TV contraption your mom had to limit your TV watching as a teenager, best story ever.

  3. Anyone who loves ranch dressing that much has to have a preferred which is it??
